Thriller on KindleUnlimited

Bank scam and True Crime

5/9/20232 min read

I became a writer in the most traditional way - by being a reader first. And I have read them all, going, when I was a young man, at three books per day, every day for a few years.

I used to check often at the time, and found my reading speed to be exactly 100 pages per hour. I would read all the time. But while I was a bookworm, I was no nerd, since I had to participate in sporting activities, all of them, as I was in a boarding school that had a good library, but did not permit absence from sports.

That volume and intensity of reading cannot be conducted within any specific genre, certainly not space opera, and will always be indicative of a multi-genre reading habit.

It is what has made me a multi-genre writer.

One of the most frustrating tasks I have is the one after I am done with the writing of a title, and am into the publishing. Genre and even sub-genre have to be defined; else they won’t let me publish.

I discovered my peculiar storytelling tendencies when writing my very first novel, Dune Devils, The Dark Side of the Dune, which eventually went to almost 800 pages.

It started out as an exposé of a credit card scam, and all I wanted was to set out the workings of the scam, in non-fiction form. I found it difficult to get into it, outside of a fictional structure. And so, I began finding a story to place the exposé in.

Then, when sort of done, I realized that no one outside of the Middle East, as I was living in Dubai at the time, would believe that such things could be.

Which led to the insertion of background facts on the human rights abuses of Dubai (much worse than what everyone ignored during the football World Cup in Qatar).

Researching Dubai, at great risk of being caught and tortured to death, I discovered that the little children we would see, silently crossing the road atop long lines of camels, had been kidnapped in Third World countries.

As the cruelty of Dubai began being written into my book, I found that I would have to include other things to explain our collusion, of the rest of the world.

To that end, I needed to introduce true stories of the court system that facilitated, and still facilitates, the criminal activities of the ruling Sheikh.

I The Thriller story has also been published as a separate book. It is available here:

There is to be a follow-up book-The Man Who Spoiled the World - but it will have to wait until I have got through the already planned titles.

Real Bank Scam & True Crime Thriller on Kindle Unlimited